February 18, 2025

Event Coverage Highlight

Book Night with Christopher Roush to Discuss ‘The Future of Business Journalism’

Business owners, consumers, and employees have long relied on the news to make financial decisions ― what to buy, who to hire, and what products to sell. In the twenty-first century, that news has shifted. Only the big businesses and executives can afford expensive subscriptions, while most consumers and small business owners are left scrambling to find the news they need to succeed and thrive.

In The Future of Business Journalism, veteran business journalist and professor Christopher Roush delves into how the crisis occurred, from the disintegration of the once-strong relationship between businesses and media to the media’s focus on national coverage at the expense of local news. He reveals how these trends result in major “coverage deserts.”

Registrants will receive a link to join the Zoom call about an hour before the program on Oct. 11.

OPC Past President Paula Dwyer will moderate the discussion.

RSVP Here >>

The book is available to purchase at a 30 percent discount using the code TGUF via this link.


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