February 11, 2025

Event Coverage Highlight

LIVE STREAM: Tiananmen Square Thirty Years Later

Click on the windows below to watch live panels from the May 9 event: “Tiananmen Square Thirty Years Later – Is The Past A Portent Of An Even More Authoritarian Future?”

Each of these video windows is a separate panel and a separate live stream. Click each one at the time posted to view live.


Panel 1: Covering the Event (12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.)

PANELISTS: Carroll Bogert, who covered the event for Newsweek and is now president of The Marshall Project; Adi Ignatius, who covered the event for The Wall Street Journal and now edits the Harvard Business Review; Dorinda Elliott, who covered it for Newsweek and is now director of the Center for Business at the China Institute; Bruce Kennedy, who covered the event for CNN and NPR; and Dori Jones Yang, who was at Tiananmen for BusinessWeek and is currently an author.

MODERATOR: Susan Jakes, editor of ChinaFile and former Beijing correspondent for TIME.

Panel 2: Survivors Tell Their Stories (1:50 p.m-2:50 p.m.)

PANELISTS: Wu’er Kaixi, a former Tiananmen student leader and Uyghur activist; Fang Zheng, whose legs were crushed by a tank and now leads the Chinese Democratic Education Foundation; Rose Tang, who survived by crawling over a tank and is currently a New York-based activist; and Zhou Fengsuo, who led “Voice of the Students Movement on Tiananmen Square” in 1989 and spent a year in spent a year in prison. He is co-founder of Humanitarian China, which has provided aid to families of Tiananmen victims and political prisoners.

MODERATOR: William J. Holstein, event chair and former OPC president, who was based in Beijing for United Press International.

Special Presentation About the Tiananmen Mothers Demand Justice

PANELISTS: Jerome Cohen, faculty director of the U.S.-Asia Law Institute at New York University Law School; survivor Wu’er Kaixi; Andrew Nathan, translator of The Tiananmen Papers and professor of China’s politics and international relations at Columbia University; and Teng Biao, a former lawyer who was kidnapped three times in China and now lives in exile.

MODERATOR: Sheryl WuDunn, Pulitzer- and OPC-prize winner for China coverage for The New York Times.

Panel 4: Technology As a Tool of Control (4:15 to 5:40 p.m. *Includes Special Presentation About the Assault on Hong Kong’s Civil Society*)

PANELISTS: Human Rights Watch China director Sophie Richardson; Christina Larson, Associated Press science writer, former technology writer in China and author of a definitive article in the MIT Technology Review; Dexter “Tiff” Roberts, Mansfield Fellow at the University of Montana and author of The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, The Factory, and The Future of The World; and Bill Holstein, author of The New Art of War: China’s Deep Strategy Inside the United States.

MODERATOR: Rebecca Blumenstein, The New York Times deputy managing editor, former Beijing correspondent for The Wall Street Journal and a Pulitzer Prize winner.


Panel 3: President Xi’s Effort to Remake Chinese Society

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