January 20, 2025

Archive Event Highlight

OPC Annual Meeting Sept. 6

The OPC Annual Meeting, open to all members in good standing, will be held online on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time via Zoom.

RSVPs are mandatory, as only members in good standing (who are up to date with dues payments) are eligible to be at the annual meeting.

Registrants will receive a link to join the Zoom call about an hour before the program on Sept 6.

RSVP Here >>

The deadline for voting is Monday, Sept. 5 at noon Eastern Time.

The OPC is using the online voting website Balloteer again this year to host its secure election. Watch for an email from info@opcofamerica.org with your ballot link.

The system allows one voting ballot and delineates between Active and Associate members. There will be no paper ballots this year.

This year, the OPC will elect officers and nine (9) Active board members and three (3) Associate board members to begin two-year terms.

Results will be announced at the annual meeting.