
NewsGuard Seeks Bilingual Journalists in European Markets

NewsGuard, a new service that fights misinformation by rating news and information websites for credibility and transparency, is preparing to expand to several European markets, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and France. NewsGuard employs journalists to conduct its ratings based on nine journalistic criteria and issue “Red” or “Green” credibility ratings, accompanied by detailed written “Nutrition Labels” for each website. NewsGuard also operates a rapid-response “SWAT Team” in each market it serves that quickly identifies, investigates and rates websites at a breaking news pace as they begin to trend on social media.

NewsGuard is looking for trained journalists, experienced editors and fact-checkers interested in joining its European editorial teams. Ideal candidates will be able to write and speak both in English and in at least one language commonly spoken in the countries listed above. Candidates with experience working in one of these markets or familiar with the political and media landscape in one or more of these markets are strongly preferred.

NewsGuard is a nonpartisan and nonpolitical organization that seeks to treat all news sources it rates, regardless of political leaning if any, fairly and by the same set of journalistic standards. Candidates should be able to set aside their political views to conduct ratings.

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NewsGuard is Hiring for Entry-Level, Junior, and Senior Editorial Roles

  • Editorial Director: A highly respected, experienced editor with impeccable credentials to lead our entire European editorial operation.
  • Managing Editor: An experienced editor who can lead our team in each market.
  • Senior Analyst: An experienced journalist who can help research and write Nutrition Labels for the most prominent publications in a market–and who can help edit nutrition labels written by other NewsGuard analysts.
  • Analysts: A journalist with excellent writing and research skills whose role will primarily entail researching, rating, and writing “Nutrition Labels” for websites in their market.
  • Editorial Assistant: A journalist-in-training whose role will involve a mix of research, writing, fact-checking, and more.
  • Intern: A student or entry-level journalist whose role will involve research, fact-checking, writing, and other tasks that help set up our European operations.

Interested applicants should send a resume and brief cover letter to NewsGuard editorial director Eric Effron at eric.effron@Newsguardtech.com.