Best Television Spot News Reporting from Abroad 1990 (Shared)

Best television spot news reporting from abroad


AWARD NAME: Best Television Spot News Reporting from Abroad 1990 (Shared)


AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: CBS News (shared with Brian Ross and Ira Silverman)

AWARD HONORED WORK: “Reports from the Frontline”

In his “Reports from the Frontline” from Saudi Arabia for CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, Bob Simon offered fresh, literate and incisive reporting from the Persian Gulf. The Award is based on Simon’s reports from March through December, 1990 – before he was captured by Iraqi forces. Sharing the Class 7 Award are Brian Ross and Ira Silverman, NBC’ s chief investigative duo, for their report on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw titled “Nuclear Trigger.” Ross and Silverman traced the clandestine efforts by Iraqi agents to obtain critical parts for the construction of nuclear weapons.

(No citation)