January 20, 2025

People Column

Latest Issue

Dec. 18, 2024
In this iteration of People, catch up on OPC Foundation scholars Sonia A. Rao, past OPC Award winner Trisha Mukherjee, and OPC community members Hind Hassan, Steve Raymer, David Andelman, Haley Willis, Peter Schwartzstein and Aliide Naylor...
Nov. 21, 2024
This issue, read about OPC Foundation Scholars Simar Bajaj, Hannah-Kathryn Walles, Sarah Wu, and Suman Naishadham, plus catch up on news and achievements by OPC community members Nanna Heitmann, Raney Aronson-Rath, Beth Knobel, Alexis Okeowo, Juan Arredondo, Vivienne Walt, Alice Driver, Keith Richburg, Evan Ratliff, Chriss Swaney , Allan Dodds Frank, Paul Caruana Galizia and Rana Ayyub.
Oct. 18, 2024
This issue, catch up on news about OPC Foundation scholars Hana Kiros, Sarah Dadouch, Olivia Carville, Jesse Coburn, Diksha Madhok, Jeff Horwitz, Anupreeta Das and Damien Cave, as well as OPC members and community members Raney Aronson-Rath, Jane Ferguson’s, Sewell Chan, Kang-Chun Cheng, George de Lama, Mosab Abu Toha, and a remembrance of veteran correspondent Dusko Doder.
Sept. 5, 2024
This installment, catch up on news about OPC Foundation scholars Noelle Harff and Olivia George; and OPC community members Raney Aronson-Rath, Alexis Okeowo, Singeli Agnew , Brian Byrd, Stephen Shepard and Adriana Carranca.
August 1, 2024
This summer issue, find updates on OPC Foundation scholars Dani Morera Trettin, Katie Paul, Cadence Quaranta, Jacob Kushner, J.p. Lawrence, Artis Henderson, Emily Steel and Edward Wong; as well as OPC governors and community members Beth Knobel, Rod Nordland , Sewell Chan, Robert Nickelsberg, Alice Driver, Dian Zhang, Peter Schwarztein and André Liohn...
June 10, 2024
This issue, catch up on news about OPC Foundation scholars Stephen Kalin, Alex Pena, Anupreeta Das, as well as OPC members, award winners and other community members including Hannah Dreier, Sarah Stillman, Ginger Thompson, Marcus Yam, Steve Raymer, Azmat Khan and Anup Kaphle, and read a remembrance of longtime OPC member Robert Essman.
May 3, 2024
This installment, catch up on OPC Scholars Simon Bajaj, Annie Todd, Euan Ward, Meg Bernhard, Serginho Roosblad, Tom Finn and Mariano Castillo; and OPC community members Mohammed Salem , Annie Todd, Nicolas Niarchos, Lynzy Billing, Renata Brito, Lila Hassan, Steve Herman, Doreen Carvajal, Jill Langlois, Haley Willis, Aurora Almendral, Eric Reidy, Bing Guan and Sarah Schröer López. We also have remembrances of Terry Anderson and Richard Leibner.
April 4, 2024
This installment, catch up on OPC Foundation scholars Francis Tang, Anna Jean Kaiser, Annie Todd, Alexander Saeedy, and awards and other updates about OPC community members Raney Aronson-Rath, Alice Driver, Krithika Varagur, Cassandra Vinograd, Mady Camara, Prue Clarke, Anand Gopal, James Brooke, and Judith Matloff, as well as a remembrance of OPC member Neil Hickey.
Feb. 28, 2024
This installment, catch up on news about OPC Foundation scholar Jesse Coburn, and members of the OPC community including Anup Kaphle, Jane Ferguson, Daniella Zalcman, David Hume Kennerly, Mary Rajkumar, Ahmed Baider, Isobel Yeung, Amel Guettatfi, Javier Manzano, and Dexter Roberts.
Jan. 26, 2024
In this installment, catch up on news about OPC Foundation scholars Kailyn Rhone, Portia Crowe, Jad Sleiman and Jeff Roberts; award news about PBS FRONTLINE and The Associated Press; and OPC community updates on Laurie Hays, Anup Kaphle, James Brooke, Hasan Oswald, Fahrinisa Campana, Annelise Mecca, Alexander Spiess and Adriana Zehbrauskas...