May 5, 2024

Event Coverage Highlight

VIDEO: Forum on ‘Letters from Baghdad’

On May 17, the OPC hosted a special sneak preview of the documentary Letters from Baghdad at International House.

Click the window above to see a playlist of clips from the discussion on the OPC YouTube channel.

The film follows the life off Gertrude Bell, a British spy, explorer and political powerhouse. Bell traveled widely in Arabia before being recruited by British military intelligence during WWI to help draw the borders of Iraq and as a result helped shape the modern Middle East.

Following the screening, a panel including filmmakers Sabine Krayenbuhl and Zeva Oelbaum discussed Bell’s life. Also joining the panel was Lamia Al Gailani Werr, a British-Iraqi archaeologist and expert in the establishment of the Iraq Museum; and Lisa Anderson, a specialist on politics in the Middle East and North Africa who was president of The American University of Cairo from 2011-2016.