Best international business news reporting in newspapers, news services or digital
AWARD NAME: 13 The Malcolm Forbes Award
AWARD RECIPIENTS: Paritosh Bansal, Tom Lasseter, Aditya Kalra, Duff Wilson and team
AWARD HONORED WORK: “The Philip Morris Files”
AWARD SPONSOR: Forbes Magazine
In industry after industry companies with big lobbying budgets have managed to control and even dictate regulations without being seen. In “The Phillip Morris Files”, a team of Reuters’ reporters takes us inside that world: the behind-the-scenes maneuvering; the strategic targeting of weakest government links; and the congratulatory high-fiving when the mission is accomplished. This eyeopening series shows just how sophisticated and determined the tobacco industry has been in fighting anti-tobacco forces in government and at international agencies. The team of reporters took powerful leaked documents, followed it up with shoe-leather reporting, and brought home a series with impact.
Citation Recipients: Lauren Etter, Benjamin Elgin, Sarah Frier and Michael Riley
Affiliation: Bloomberg News
Honored Work: “Facebook and the Assault on Democracy”