Found in the OPC Archives: an Event Flier from 1945

OPC Executive Director Patricia Kranz was organizing club archives at the office this week to prepare for digitization, when she ran across a Bulletin folder that contained a club event flier from 1945. Shown on the right is a notice of a cocktail party and buffet supper. The note is marked with the words “No Speeches (Unless extemporaneous),” and says the event was to honor 25 new members, “some of whom have just arrived from abroad.” It featured entertainment by members of the Foxhole Circuit Stars, a troupe of USO performers who had also just returned from overseas. You can read more about the Foxhole Circuit on the USO’s website here.

A request to members: we are missing Bulletins for 1946, 1976 and 1989. If any member has copies of issues for those years, please let the OPC borrow them for a few months so we can include them in the digital archives. Contact if you have any leads. Thank you!