Best photographic news reporting from abroad in any medium
AWARD NAME: The Olivier Rebbot Award
AWARD RECIPIENT: Daniel Berehulak
AWARD HONORED WORK: “They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals”
Daniel Berehulak’s riveting photographs captured, intimately and in depth, the lives and deaths of those affected by the Philippine drug war. It was visual story telling at its best: images that one judge described as a “journey through hell.” The work also brought wide attention to a story that had been largely overlooked.

Officers from SOCO, the scene of the crime unit, gather evidence of the killing of Michael Araja, 29, in Manila, Philippines in October. His is one of some 3,500 unsolved homicides in the Philippines since President Rodrigo Duterte took office June 30 and started his brutal crackdown on drug users and pushers. More than 2,000 people were slain in official police operations alone from July through November; many more were felled at the hands of vigilantes. Araja was one of several people gunned down outside a "sari-sari," as Filipinos call the kiosks that sell staples on the street. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

The bodies of Frederick Mafe, 48, and Arjay Lumbago, 23, lay sprawled on the street as SOCO officers gather evidence in Manila, Philippines in October. Mafe and Lumbago were riding together on a motorbike when killed by another pair of men on a motorbike, a common modus operandi known as a "riding in tandem" killing. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Officers from SOCO investigate inside an alley in Manila, Philippines where two unidentified gunmen riding motorbikes killed Romeo Joel Torres Fontanilla, 37, in October. Since President Rodrigo Duterte took office June 30 and started his brutal crackdown on drug users and pushers, killings have taken place just about everywhere — on the sidewalk, on train tracks, in front of a girls' school, outside 7-Eleven stores and a McDonald's, across bedroom mattresses and living-room sofas. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Jimji, 6, cries "Papa!" in anguish as she and other relatives await the start of the funeral for her father, Jimboy Bolasa, 25, in Manila, Philippines in October. His body, showing signs of torture along with gunshot wounds, was found under a bridge. The police said he was a drug dealer, but the family said Bolasa had surrendered himself through Duterte's program to avoid a violent death. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Inmates watch as other drug suspects are processed in a local police station in Manila, Philippines in October. The police say more than 35,600 people were arrested between July and November in antidrug operations the government calls Project Tokhang. The name is derived from a phrase meaning "knock and plead" in Cebuano, the president's first language. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Inmates sleep on a basketball court in Quezon City Jail in Manila, Philippines, one of the country's most congested jails, in October. The police say that by November, government forces had gone door to door to more than 3.57 million residences, and that more than 727,600 drug users and 56,500 pushers had surrendered, overcrowding jails and prisons. At Quezon City Jail, the situation is so bad that inmates take turns resting on any available space. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Customers at a 7-Eleven store in the Tambo neighborhood of Manila, Philippines turn their heads as funeral-parlor workers carried away the body of Edwin Mendoza Alon-Alon, 36, who had been killed on the road outside in October. The killing has become so ubiquitous on the streets of Manila that life often grinds on at crime scenes. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

The blood of Florjohn Cruz, 34, stained the family altar displaying icons of the Virgin Mary, among others, at his home in Manila, Philippines in October. The police report said Cruz fired at officers entering his home. His family said he was fixing his mother's transistor radio in the living room when armed men barged in and killed him. As they were cleaning up, his niece said, they found a cardboard sign saying "Pusher at Adik Wag Tularan" - "Don't be a pusher and an addict like him." Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Family and friends attend the funeral of Joselito Rufino Jumaquio, 52, in Manila, Philippines in October. Jumaquio, a pedicab driver, was playing video games with his 13-year-old nephew, according to neighbors, when 15 men in masks descended into the neighborhood and handcuffed him. The men ordered residents to go home and turn out the lights. One woman shouted, "Nanlaban!" -- "he's fighting it out." Two shots rang out, then four more. The neighbors found Jumaquio's body, still handcuffed, with a gun and a white plastic bag of drugs nearby. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Bodies were stacked like firewood at the morgue in Manila, Philippines in October. The man on the floor, Danilo Deparine, 36, was found dead under a bridge within a week of when his younger brother, Aljon, 23, met the same fate. It took their mother, Maria Mesa Deparine, three weeks to scrape together loans and donations totaling 50,000 pesos -- $1,030 -- for Aljon's funeral; then she negotiated a cut rate of 12,000 pesos, about $240, to bury Danilo with a one-day wake instead of the usual week. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

The body of Erika Angel Fernandez, 17, lays on a street in Quezon City in Manila, Philippines in October. She was killed alongside her boyfriend, Jericho Camitan, 21. A bloodied Barbie doll lay next to her body. "They are slaughtering us like animals," said a bystander. Photo: Daniel Berehulak

Relatives overcome with grief where the bodies of Frederick Mafe and Arjay Lumbago lay sprawled in the middle of a street in Manila, Philippines in October. The pair was gunned down by unidentified men in a "riding-in-tandem" killing. Photo: Daniel Berehulak
Citation Year: 2016
Citation Recipient: Aris Messinis
Affiliation: Agence France Presse
Honored Work: “Desperate Journey”
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