The Bob Considine Award 2014

Sergei Loiko and Carol Williams

Sergei Loiko and Carol Williams

Best newspaper, news service or online online reporting from abroad interpretation of international affairs

The Los Angeles Times coverage of the Ukrainian conflict stood out from the rest for its guts, credibility, originality, depth and sophistication of interpretation, and its engaging writing style that made every story a gripping and compelling read. The intimacy of detail – the shattered glass of the airport terminal, the magic helmet, the bullet hole described to the second decimal point, the minibus from hell – combined with sophisticated analysis of how the economic effects disrupted everyone’s daily lives. The reporters’ bravery took us to places we hadn’t seen before.

L.A. Times – Ukraine: A nation Torn Apart >>

Citation for Excellence:

Anthony Faiola, Greg Miller, Kevin Sullivan and Squad Mekhennet
The Washington Post
“Foreign Fighters”