The Hal Boyle Award 1996

Best newspaper or wire service reporting from abroad

Award Year: 1996
Award Name: The Hal Boyle Award 1996
Recipient: John-Thor Dahlburg
Affiliation: The Los Angeles Times
Honored Work: “Afghanistan: Legacy of Fear”

Dahlburg’s series is a comprehensive and compelling look at how the 17-year-old war in Afghanistan has seeded fundamentalist шшс terrorism and insurrection around f the world. The fruit of a year’s research, the articles Slow Afghanistan holy warriors, many of them armed and fined as anti-Soviet guerrillas by the U.S., through their participation in a dozen conflicts in locales like Algeria, Bosnia and the Philippines, then back to Afghanistan, where the militants have been prominent in the victories of the fanatical Taliban.

Citations for Excellence:

Eric Bellman, Donald Macintyre
Bloomberg News
“Japanese Rigged Markets”

Michael Specter
The New York Times
Reporting from Chechnya