The Hal Boyle Award 2004

Best newspaper or wire service reporting from abroad


AWARD NAME: The Hal Boyle Award 2004

RECIPIENT: Dexter Filkins

AFFILIATION: The New York Times

HONORED WORK: “Street by Street in Fallujah”

Dexter Filkins spent eight days with Bravo Company in Fallujah, writing daily from a Marine unit that took 36 casualties, including six dead, in brutal street FILKINS by street fighting. His unembellished stories provided graphic detail on the lives of Marines pinned down by sniper fire. At considerable risk to himself, he gave readers an immersion into combat that rivals the best of all war reporting.

Citations for Excellence:
Matthew Mcallester
“On the Frontline in Fallujah”

C.J. Chivers and Steven Lee Myers
The New York Times
“The Siege in Beslan”