Best business news reporting from abroad
Award Year: 1982
Award Name: The International Herald Tribune Award 1982
Recipient: Larry Gurwin
Affiliation: Institutional Investor
Honored Work: “Death of a Banker”
In “Death of a Banker,” Gurwin covered a fascinating and important chapter in international banking with clarity, thoroughness and a concern for the often cloudy facts surrounding the shocking hanging death of Roberto Calvi in London. He painted a compelling portrait of the Roman banker, his relations with the Vatican, the society in which he rose to prominence, and the workings of the international banking system. He provided insights into the operations of Michele Sindona, the workings of the Italian central bank, and the secret lodge – known as P 2 – that forced the resignation of one Italian government A citation is awarded to Jeffrey Robinson for his series of five articles on the scandal at Lloyds in Barron’s.
Citation for Excellence:
Jeffrey Robinson