The Lowell Thomas Award 2022

Best radio, audio, or podcast coverage of international affairs

AWARD NAME: The Lowell Thomas Award 2022
RECIPIENT: Ike Sriskandarajah, Neroli Price, Brett Myers and Andy Donohue
AFFILIATION: Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX
HONORED WORK: “My Neighbor the Suspected War Criminal”

This piece about the failure of U.S. Department of Justice officials to pursue accused international human rights violators inside the U.S. tells a riveting and surprising story in a highly accessible way. The scope is at once both human and global; it has compelling characters and a personal connection for the reporter, Ike Sriskandarajah. Among the highlights are interviews with federal officials who were asked whether the government had ever charged anyone with a war crime. Their stumbling response is a great example of journalists holding public officials to account.

Link to the honored work:
My Neighbor the Suspected War Criminal

6 Takeaways from Our Investigation Into Suspected War Criminals in the US

Citation for Excellence:
Shima Oliaee and Staff
ESPN’s 30-for-30.
“Pink Card”