Best investigative reporting in any medium on an international story
AWARD NAME: The Roy Rowan Award 2022
RECIPIENTS: Erika Kinetz, Michael Biesecker, Richard Lardner, Beatrice DuPuy, Sarah El Deeb and AP Staff; Tom Jennings, Annie Wong and FRONTLINE PBS Staff
HONORED WORK: “Putin’s Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes”
Based on hundreds of hours of surveillance videos, audio recordings and interviews, this horrifying account documents in graphic detail atrocities committed by Russian troops on civilians in the suburban Kyiv town of Bucha. Supplementing the interviews, the Associated Press and FRONTLINE team used cutting edge open-source techniques — satellite and drone imagery, hours of CCTV footage and intercepted phone calls — to reveal the brutality of the Russian occupation. Russian soldiers indiscriminately shoot civilians — a man riding his bicycle, a 19-year-old boy taken from his home, a column of eight men, their hands tied behind them, being marched to their deaths. Among the most chilling revelations: transcriptions of telephone calls made by Russian soldiers to family and friends in Russia telling them about all the civilians they’ve killed.
Link to the honored work:
“Putin’s Attack on Ukraine: Documenting War Crimes”
Paul Carsten, David Lewis, Reade Levinson
and Libby George
“Nightmare in Nigeria”