Archive Event Highlight
Book Night with Mark Clifford to Discuss ‘Today Hong Kong, Tomorrow the World’
OPC member Mark Clifford argues in his new book that China’s repressive tactics in Hong Kong are a playbook for other repressive regimes, serving as what he called a “blueprint for the sorts of tactics that China is increasingly wielding against democratic societies around the globe.”
Join the OPC for a Book Night on Feb. 16 to discuss Today Hong Kong, Tomorrow the World: What China’s Crackdown Reveals About Its Plans to End Freedom Everywhere.
The moderator will be OPC Governor Jodi Schneider, political news director at Bloomberg News.
Clifford’s book is available for purchase here >>
Clifford was a director at pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily when its journalists were jailed and it was shut down by the government in 2021, so has had a front-row seat on China’s crack down on Hong Kong.
Clifford is currently the director of the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Hong Kong. An honors history graduate of the University of California Berkeley and a Walter Bagehot Fellow at Columbia University, he lived in Asia from 1987 until 2021. Previously, Clifford was executive director of the Hong Kong-based Asia Business Council, the editor-in-chief of the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), and publisher and editor-in-chief of The Standard (Hong Kong). He held senior editorial positions at BusinessWeek and the Far Eastern Economic Review in Hong Kong and Seoul and has received numerous prizes and awards for his books and journalism.