July 27, 2024

OPC Annual Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 20


Voting members should remember to cast their votes for president and other officers, as well as Active and Associate board members by noon on Tuesday, Aug. 19.

This year the nominating committee’s mission was to nominate a slate of candidates, including officers, with the energy, talent, and journalistic chops to provide the next generation of leadership for the OPC. The club’s central challenge is to continue to make itself relevant to international journalism.

In selecting nominees, we drew from a range of demographics, ages, and media organizations. We included candidates who are pioneering new digital forms, recent OPC award winners working in the field, and many who have led awards committees.

After a robust discussion, the board approved the election slate. We’re grateful to the nominating committee (Alexis Gelber, Bill Holstein, Larry Martz, Michael Serrill and Abi Wright), to all the OPC members who suggested candidates, and to the nominees who will devote time in the two years ahead.

As we elect officers, ten Active board members and three Associate board members, we’re anticipating a phase of expansion and innovation as the OPC continues to evolve.

Results will be announced during the upcoming Annual Meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 6:00 p.m.

To cast your ballot, open an election e-mail that was sent from the OPC with a link to Balloteer, the online voting ballot. 

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