September 18, 2024

Paris Panel: The Human Cost of News Gathering

The OPC has organized a panel discussion in Paris to discuss “The Human Cost of News Gathering” at the American University.

The statistics of journalists who are killed, kidnapped and targeted for murder continues to climb but the numbers are only part of the story. How does this phenomenon affect news organizations that send journalists into conflict zones and how does the reporter respond to places of escalating conflict?

Panelists include :
Janine di Giovanni, an award winning European journalist and author who has covered every major global conflict since 1980 who has written about the conflict between nurturing a family and being a war correspondent
Lucie Morillon of Reporters Without Borders who contributed to the “Free Press and Journalists Safety” panel that the OPC organized in Warsaw in June
Aidan Sullivan, Vice President of Photo Assignments for Getty Images and creator of a campaign to focus attention on the targeting of journalists in armed conflict called “A Day Without News?”
Fabio Bucciarelli, Agence France-Presse photographer, recent winner of the Prix de Bayeux photography award for war correspondents and also winner of the 2012 Robert Capa Gold Medal Award from the OPC for “Battle to Death” in Syria
– OPC member Jim Bittermann of CNN International will be the Moderator. 

The panel is
under the aegis of a Ford Foundation grant.