July 27, 2024

Photo Auction to Raise Funds for RISC Medical Trainings for Freelance Journalists *NEW LOCATION



NEW YORK—Reporters Instructed in Saving Colleagues (RISC), the not-for-profit organization started by writer and filmmaker Sebastian Junger, announced today that it will launch a silent photo auction to raise funds for its medical trainings. Bidding will begin online on November 19 and end December 3.

On December 3, a ticketed event for the last day of bidding will take place at Aperture Gallery, 547 West 27th Street #4. The December 3 party will feature Sebastian Junger in conversation with Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas, an exhibit of the 45 photographs up for auction, and food and drink. Paddle 8, the online auction house, will manage the bidding.

All proceeds from ticket and auction sales will go to RISC, which trains freelance journalists to handle injuries while working in dangerous and remote areas. Junger founded RISC after his friend and Restrepo co-director, photographer Tim Hetherington, was killed in a mortar attack while covering the 2011 conflict in Libya. Free for participants, each RISC course trains and equips 24 journalists, and costs $24,000.

At present, the line-up for the auction includes photographs by: Susan Meiselas, Kalpesh Lathigra, Moises Saman, Diana Markosian, Preston Gannaway, Matt Eich, Tamas Dezso, Krisanne Johnson, Richard Mosse, Michael Christopher Brown, Roger Ballen, Alessio Romenzi, Andrew McConnell, Christopher Morris, Lynsey Addario, Erika Larsen, Gillian Laub, Chiara Goia, and Thomas Dworzak.