Award name: 12 The Morton Frank Award

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines.

The Morton Frank Award 2002 (shared)

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD YEAR: 2002 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 2002 (shared) RECIPIENT: Hal Lux (shared with Richard Behar) AFFILIATION: Institutional Investor HONORED WORK: “Nationalities of Convenience” Dug from the dim recesses of tax law and bolstered by determined reporting and writing, this story had real impact. Congress and…

The Morton Frank Award 2001

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD YEAR: 2001 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 2001 RECIPIENT: Vernon Silver AFFILIATION: Bloomberg Markets HONORED WORK: “Inside Qaddafi’s Financial Web” This story opens the reader to the global financial affairs of one of the world’s longest-ruling despots and suspected terrorist sponsors, Colonel Muammar Qaddafi of Libya.…

The Morton Frank Award 2000

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD DATE: 2000 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 2000 AWARD RECIPIENT: Andrew Tanzer AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: Forbes AWARD HONORED WORK: “The Great Quota Hustle” This story revealed the true economic impact of America’s little-understood import quota system. Andrew Tanzer exposes a tangle of regulation that has failed…

The Morton Frank Award 1999

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD YEAR: 1999 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 1999 RECIPIENT: John Colmey, David Liebhold and Time Asia staff AFFILIATION: TIME Asia HONORED WORK: “The Family Firm— Suharto Inc.” The product of a four-month investigation, this 7 comprehensive 13-раре COLMEY LIEBHOLD cover story was a detailed portrayal of…

The Morton Frank Award 1998

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD YEAR: 1998 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 1998 RECIPIENT: Michael Shari, Joyce Barnathan, Pete Engardio, Dean Foust, Jonathan Moore, Sheri Prasso, Christopher Power AFFILIATION: Business Week HONORED WORK: “Indonesia in Turmoil” This package of articles offered outstanding reporting on the many things that went wrong in…

The Morton Frank Award 1997

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines AWARD YEAR: 1997 AWARD NAME: The Morton Frank Award 1997 RECIPIENT: The Business Week Asia Team: Joyce Barnathan, Brian Bremner, Mark Clifford, Bruce Einhorn, Pete Engardio, William Glasgall, Christopher Power, Sheri Prasso, Michael Shari AFFILIATION: Business Week HONORED WORK: “Asia in Crisis” The prime financial story of 1997…

The Morton Frank Award 1996

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines Award Year: 1996 Award Name: The Morton Frank Award 1996 Recipient: David McClintick Affiliation: Fortune Honored Work: “The Predator” This story traces the vast international swindling operations of the rogue Italian financier Giancarlo Рапеш, who plundered Hollywood’s мсм studios, contributed to a $25 billion loss at France’s state-owned…

The Morton Frank Award 1995 (shared)

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines Award Year: 1995 Award Name: The Morton Frank Award 1995 (shared) Recipients: Pete Engardio, Dexter Roberts, Bruce Einhorn (shared with Bill Powell, Marcus Mabry, Theresa Waldrop, and team) Affiliation: Business Week Honored Work: “China’s New Elite” “China’s New Elite” is a richly detailed introduction to the middle-aged generation…

The Morton Frank Award 1995 (shared)

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines Award Year: 1995 Award Name: The Morton Frank Award 1995 (shared) Recipient: Bill Powell, Marcus Mabry, Theresa Waldrop, and team (shared with Pete Engardio, Dexter Roberts and Bruce Einhorn) Affiliation: Newsweek Honored Work: “End of the Good Life” “End of the Good Life” is an insightful examination of…

The Morton Frank Award 1994

Best business reporting from abroad in magazines Award Date: 1994 Award Name: The Morton Frank Award 1994 Recipient: Jonathan Beaty Affiliation: TIME Magazine Honored Work: “Russia’s Yard Sale” Jonathan Beaty insinuated himself into the Russian black market to provide his readers with an exceptionally penetrating look at how the assets of the former Soviet Union…