OPC Funds Helped Support Hostile Environment Safety Training in Kenya

by Patricia Kranz

The OPC donated $950 from its freelance safety training fund to cover the fees for psychosocial and digital security trainers at a hostile environment awareness training course in Nairobi and Limuru, Kenya on Nov. 30.

The training was sponsored by a group that included ACOS Alliance, Agence France Press and SEPAR International, a security firm that specializes in hostile locations. According to Stephen Smith, SEPAR’s director and leading trainer, the training incorporated physical security, digital security, psychosocial care and trauma medical training. Subjects covered during the busy four days included gender, source protection, fixer management and civil unrest.


Photo: Stefano Kleinowitz

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith

Photo: Stephen Smith