by William J. Holstein
As chair of this year’s nominating committee, I am delighted to introduce what I modestly think is one of the strongest slates we have had in recent years despite the tragic loss of Chris Dickey, who had agreed to run for vice president again. Women are in leadership positions and new women are joining as governors. The number and prestige of news organizations represented is perhaps the most impressive ever. Freelancers are also represented. We have an excellent balance between youth on the one hand and experience on the other, hopefully ensuring a leadership transition into the hands of the next generation. And we continue to draw in diverse skills sets, ethnicities, geographies and nationalities. It all adds up to a major injection of new blood.
The nominating committee consisted of David Ake, Deidre Depke, Linda Fasulo, Farnaz Fassihi and Hendrik Hinzel.
This year, the OPC is electing six (6) officers, eleven (10) governors who are Active members and three (3) who are Associate members. The club is continuing to use the online voting website Balloteer to host its secure election.
The deadline for voting is Monday, Sept. 7 at noon, and the results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on Sept. 8. Each ballot requires a login, which is your e-mail address where you received the ballot link. The system allows one voting ballot and delineates between Active and Associate members. There will be no paper ballots this year.
President: Paula Dwyer
Vice Presidents (Vote for 3):
Douglas Jehl
Azmat Khan
Scott Kraft
Secretary: Josh Fine
Treasurer: Deborah Amos
ACTIVE BOARD MEMBERS (Active members vote for 10)
1. John Avlon
2. Albert Goldson
3. Marjorie Miller
4. Adriane Quinlan
5. Peter Spiegel
6. Liam Stack
7. Sandra Stevenson
8. Marina Guevara Walker
9. Vivienne Walt
10. Mike Williams
ASSOCIATE BOARD MEMBERS (Associate members vote for 3)
1. Emma Daly
2. Pete Engardio
3. Laurie Hays