January 18, 2025

Event Coverage Highlight

OPC Panel in Paris: Are the US and Europe Drifting Apart?

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The OPC and the American Library in Paris are closing out a big news year with a panel of journalists. With Germany and France both in political churn, one issue hangs over the EU: Will its unquestioned alliance with the U.S. survive? Each is cutting its own path on everything from nuclear subs, Big Tech, climate, and China. Can this marriage be saved?

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Liz Alderman, New York Times chief European business correspondent.
Ulysse Gosset, foreign affairs correspondent for BFM-TV.
Michaela Wiegel, correspondent for Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung.
Vivienne Walt, OPC Governor and Paris correspondent for TIME & Fortune.
Stanley Pignal, European correspondent, The Economist.

The moderator will be David A. Andelman, Past OPC President, CNN columnist and former CBS News Paris correspondent.