July 27, 2024

Event Coverage Highlight

The UN’s Role in the World Today

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

For the first time in history, in January of 2017 there will be newly-elected heads of both the US and the UN assuming office in the same month. Will having a new UN Secretary-General and a new US President make a difference in 2017? How will these two newly-minted leaders impact UN diplomacy and the world body’s multifaceted actions around the globe.

Panel members will discuss current international conflicts, challenges and crises, including peacekeeping, human rights, and humanitarian efforts around the world, as well as the prospects for the UN in the year ahead.

The panel will be moderated by OPC member Linda Fasulo, author of An Insider’s Guide to the UN, and veteran independent correspondent for NPR News at the UN.

Panelists include:

Abdelkader Abbadi, UN correspondent, author of From the Garden to the Glass House: A Undiplomatic Look at the United Nations, and former director of the UN’s Department of Political Affairs.

Richard Roth, CNN’s veteran UN Correspondent.

Stephen Schlesinger, historian and author of Act of Creation: The Founding of The United Nations.

Ian Williams, UN correspondent for The Nation and author of United Nations for Beginners.

The program will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Club Quarters, with cash refreshments before and after the program.

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Watch live on Oct. 4: