Women Reporting War: From Vietnam to Syria
The NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute and the OPC are sponsoring a panel discussion on Women War Reporters on Friday, November 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at 20 Cooper Square on the 7th floor.
For perhaps the first time in American media history, war reporting by women has increased to be on a par with male reporting. For print media, television, and digital platforms, women are moving through the dangerous places of the world. They are risking their lives to discover the deeper, wider truths of these conflicts.
Panelists will discuss how this change in coverage happened and why. They will speak about the dangers for women covering today’s wars and the lessons reporters have learned. Has the presence of so many women journalists made the coverage more human? Has the old macho image of the male war reporter been permanently altered? In an era of disappearing foreign bureaus, of reporters financing journeys to wars themselves, is the occupation more risky than ever?
– OPC member Edith M. Lederer, chief United Nations correspondent, The Associated Press. (Former AP war correspondent in Vietnam, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Bosnia and elsewhere)
– Tina Susman, former Baghdad bureau chief, Los Angeles Times. (Former Africa correspondent at the AP and Newsday)
– NYU Journalism graduate Nicole Tung, freelance photographer covering the Middle East and North Africa
Moderated by Professor Mohamad Bazzi, NYU Journalism with an Introduction by Pete Hamill, Distinguished Writer in Residence, NYU Journalism
The discussion is free and open to the public. RSVP online at
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