Award name: 05 Feature Photography Award

Feature Photography Award

The Feature Photography Award 2022

Best feature photography on an international theme published in any medium AWARD YEAR: 2022 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2022 RECIPIENT: Laetitia Vancon AFFILIATION: The New York Times HONORED WORK: “Odesa is Defiant. It’s also Putin’s Ultimate Target” A group of dancers in the middle of the road. Street salesmen sharing a glance. A…

The Feature Photography Award 2021

Best feature photography on an international theme published in any medium AWARD DATE: 2021 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2021 AWARD RECIPIENT: Dan Balilty AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: The New York Times AWARD HONORED WORK: “Inside Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Communities During COVID-19” AWARD SPONSOR: Sony Electronics Inc. Dan Balilty’s coverage of the impact of COVID-19 on…

The Feature Photography Award 2020

Best feature photography on an international theme published in any medium AWARD DATE: 2020 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2020 AWARD RECIPIENT: Cheryl Diaz Meyer AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: NPR with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and Yunghi Kim AWARD HONORED WORK: “Comfort Women” AWARD SPONSOR: Sony Images The jury was immediately…

The Feature Photography Award 2019

Best feature photography on an international theme published in any medium AWARD DATE: 2019 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2019 AWARD RECIPIENT: Rena Effendi AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: The Wall Street Journal AWARD HONORED WORK: “He lost a daughter to the Islamic State. Can he save his grandchildren?” AWARD SPONSOR: Sponsor: Sony Images     Citation for Excellence recipient: Adam…

The Feature Photography Award 2018

Best feature photography on an international theme published in any medium AWARD DATE: 2018 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2018 AWARD RECIPIENT: Shiho Fukada AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: Bloomberg Businessweek, with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting AWARD HONORED WORK: “For Many of Japan’s Elderly Women, Prison is a Haven” AWARD SPONSOR: Sponsor: Cyma Rubin—Business of Entertainment Shiho…

The Feature Photography Award 2017

Best feature photography published in any medium on an international theme AWARD DATE: 2017 AWARD NAME: 05 The Feature Photography Award AWARD RECIPIENT: Kevin Frayer AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: Getty Images AWARD HONORED WORK: “The Harrowing Exodus of Rohingya Muslims to Bangladesh” AWARD SPONSOR: Cyma Rubin—Business of Entertainment One of the most comprehensive picture packages of…

Feature Photography Award 2016

Best published photographic reporting from abroad requiring exceptional courage and enterprise AWARD YEAR: 2016 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award AWARD RECIPIENT: Meridith Kohut AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: The New York Times AWARD HONORED WORK: “Inside Venezuela’s Crumbling Mental Hospitals” Meridith Kohut’s moving images brought attention to the plight of people in Venezuela’s state-run psychiatric hospitals,…

The Feature Photography Award 2015

Best feature photography published in any medium on an international theme AWARD YEAR: 2015 AWARD NAME: The Feature Photography Award 2015 RECIPIENT: Daniel Berehulak AFFILIATION: The New York Times HONORED WORK: “High in the Himalayas, A Search After The Nepal Quake Yields Grim Results” These images convey grief, humanity and the scale of the tragedy.…

Best Feature Photography Award 2014

Rodrigo Abd shines a light on an underreported subject, the threat looming for 20,000 wildcat gold miners in Peru. His photographs are intimate and straightforward, documenting the subject without stylistic trickery, enhancing their journalistic value.