Award name: 08 The Edward R. Murrow Award

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs.

The Edward R. Murrow Award 2003

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs YEAR: 2003 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 2003 RECIPIENT: Scott Bronstein, Michael Davie, Neil Barrett, David Royle AFFILIATION: National Geographic Television and Film/ Ultimate Explorer for MSNBC HONORED WORK: “Liberia: American Dream?” In a year when the war in Iraq dominated the headlines, the judges…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 2002

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs Under extremely dangerous conditions, the CNN crew delivered a gripping report on an epic battle during the war in Afghanistan when Tal- iban prisoners staged a bloody uprising at Mazare-e-Sharif. This daring account of the ensuing battle is an example of courageous reporting and powerful storytelling. Citation…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 2001

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs AWARD YEAR: 2001 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 2001 RECIPIENTS: Saira Shah, David Henshaw, Cassian Harrison, James Miller, Vivian Schiller, Jennifer Hyde AFFILIATION: CNN Productions/Channel 4 International/Hardcash Productions HONORED WORK: “Beneath the Veil” This account of an Afghan-Briton’s daring attempt to learn about her father’s…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 2000

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs AWARD DATE: 2000 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 2000 AWARD RECIPIENT: Sherry Jones, Martin Smith, David Fanning, Michael Sullivan AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: Washington Media Associated for Frontline/ WGBH Boston AWARD HONORED WORK: “Return of the Czar” Starting in June, 1991, when Boris Yeltsin gained power,…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1999

Best TV interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD YEAR: 1999 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1999 RECIPIENT: Sherry Jones, David Fanning, Michael Sullivan AFFILIATION: Washington Media Associates for Frontline/ WGBH Boston HONORED WORK: “The Crash” This compelling account of euphoric rises in Asian financial markets followed by chaotic falls demonstrated the inherent…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1998

Best TV interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD YEAR: 1998 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1998 RECIPIENT: William Cran, Stephanie Tepper, David Fanning, Michael Sullivan AFFILIATION: Frontline/ WGBH Boston and InVision Productions HONORED WORK: “Ambush in Mogadishu” The producers were able to combine interviews with G.Ls who were trapped in Mogadishu and…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1997

Best TV interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD YEAR: 1997 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1997 RECIPIENT: Fergal Keane, Mike Robinson, Michael Sullivan, David Fanning AFFILIATION: Frontline/ WGBH Boston and BBC Panorama HONORED WORK: “Valentina’s Nightmare” After the massacre of her village in a church courtyard, a 13-year-old Tutsi girl named Valentina…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1994

Best TV interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD DATE: 1994 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1994 AWARD RECIPIENTS: Pamela Hill, Peter Arnett, Brian Barger, Peter Bergen, Richard MacKenzie, Robert Zuill AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: CNN AWARD HONORED WORK: “CNN Presents: Kingdom of Cocaine” A comprehensive, enterprising, and courageous look at how the Colombian…