Award name: 08 The Edward R. Murrow Award

Best TV interpretation or documentary on international affairs.

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1993

Best television interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD DATE: 1993 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1993 AWARD RECIPIENT: Ed Bradley AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: CBS News, 60 Minutes, Ed Bradley AWARD HONORED WORK: Reporting on nuclear missile sites in the U.S. and Russia In two segments, the correspondent Ed Bradley and the 60 Minutes…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1992

Best Television Interpretation Or Documentary On Foreign Affairs AWARD DATE: 1992 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1992 AWARD RECIPIENT: Gwynne Roberts AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: Frontline/BBC AWARD HONORED WORK: “Saddam’s Killing Fields” Touring with exiled Iraqi writer Kanan Makiya film-maker and director Gwynne Roberts penetrated Kurdish-held portions of Iraq to document the atrocities committed…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1991

Best television interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD DATE: 1991 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1991 AWARD RECIPIENT: Artyom Borovik, George Crile AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: CBS News—60 Minutes AWARD HONORED WORK: “Room 19” This provocative piece examined the medical lab where the brains of leading Soviets were pickled, stored and studied. The…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1990

Best television interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD DATE: 1990 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1990 AWARD RECIPIENT: Ted Koppel, Phyllis McGrady AWARD RECIPIENT AFFILIATION: ABC News—The Koppel Report AWARD HONORED WORK: “Death of a Dictator.” This dramatic well documented story of the collapse of Romania’s Dictator captured the confusion of history…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1989

Best television interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD YEAR: 1989 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1989 RECIPIENT: Ted Koppel AFFILIATION: ABC News HONORED WORK: “Tragedy at Tiananmen — The Untold Story” For the second consecutive year, Ted Koppel of ABC News was singled out, this time for “Tragedy at Tiananmen — The…

The Edward R. Murrow Award 1988

Best television interpretation or documentary on foreign affairs AWARD YEAR: 1988 AWARD NAME: The Edward R. Murrow Award 1988 RECIPIENT: Ted Koppel, Richard N. Kaplan AFFILIATION: ABC News—Nightline HONORED WORK: “Nightline: In the Holy Land” In a unique weeklong television event, Israelis and Palestinians debated the issues face to face at a time of crisis.…